The Process Of Discovery In The Hunger Games And The Hunger Games

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It can be said that the process of discovery encourages people to discover new ideas and gain new perspectives, as well as rediscover previous knowledge and reinterpret experience from past events and situations. In the poems The Tuft Of Flowers Fire and Ice alongside the related text The Hunger Games novel, we are able to connect both the persona’s of each text with this concept of discovery. The use of techniques as well as key events and aspects of these texts will go hand in hand with the connections between The human nature of each persona as well as their connections to nature itself, promoting the concept of uncovering what is hidden and reconsidering what is known, enabling great success and growth for each persona.

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In various flashbacks of hers, she is able to rediscover and revisit past events, enabling herself to advance and succeed through the hunger games. In chapter four, Katniss revisits a memory where her father advises her that “as long as you can find yourself, you’ll never starve”. This advice coheres with Katniss 's situation within the hunger games, as she pushes herself to survive in hopes to see her sister again, as well as help her district. This novel connects the chosen idea of discovery, encouraging katniss to rediscover what is known in order to …show more content…

These ideas can be seen when considering the links between our surroundings and difficult situations as well as the part human nature plays within the discovery process. Each persona in The Tuft Of Flowers, Fire and Ice and The Hunger Games each face various situations and problems which enable themselves to uncover what is hidden and reconsider what is known in order to work towards a solution resulting in positive outcomes for each persona. Although each main character possesses differing morals, attitudes and ideas, they all evolve and transform themselves through this common discovery process whilst considering human nature and their surroundings, leading to successful

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