The Persecution Of The Feudal Period In Europe

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Some describe the Feudal period in Europe as a time of despair in Europe. This conclusion can be based off of the persecution of Jews. This can also be seen in the plague, and serfdom. Some may also see this period as a time of hope with the population growth. Overall the Feudal period was definitely a time of despair in Europe for many.

The persecution of Jews took place during the Feudal period in Europe, this lead many to believe that this is why it was considered a time of despair. Evidence to prove this theory can be found in the article, “The Persecution of Jews (1189)”. One quote that proves this is, “The common people, with scornful eye and insatiable heart, rushed upon the Jews and stripped them, and then scourging them, cast them forth out of the king’s hall”. This quote means that the citizens blamed the Jews for the death of christ, and punished them for it by stripping them of their belongings, and treated them as outcasts until they were killed. The second quote that proves this theory is, “The citizens of London, on hearing of this, attacked the Jews in the city and burned their houses”. Overall the persecution of Jews lead to the Feudal period as being a time of despair. …show more content…

The disease was spread through trading and killed millions. Evidence of this can be found in the article, “Boccaccio Describes the Plague”. One quote that proves this is, “I say, then, that of such efficiency was the nature of the pestilence in question in communicating itself from one to another, that, not only did it pass from man to man, but… a thing which had pertained to a man sick or dead of the aforesaid sickness”. This quote applies to this theory because the plague wiped out entire towns and killed many people, therefore making this a time of

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