The Feudal System: The Black Plague

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(AGG) The Black Plague was a big contributor to the decline of feudal times and how they worked. (BS-1) The Black Plague was a horrendous disease that made millions of people suffer from its horrible symptoms. (BS-2) The Plague spread very quickly, along trade routes and with travelers causing many people to be affected from it. (BS-3) Feudalism was an organized system to separate people into classes and create a government. (BS-4) Military was an important part of the feudal system, they provided protection and got things in return. (BS-5) Religious beliefs such as the great chain of being were a vital factor in the feudal system being able to work effectively. (BS-6) There were lots of oaths and agreements from class to class which …show more content…

(SIP-A) The plague had many ways in spreading its disease making more and more people get sick very rapidly (STEWE-1) .The plague killed roughly half of the population of Europe, In crowded areas people could receive the Plague from fleas that had bitten wild black rats. Once transferred from flea to human it became fatal in days. (S3 27). (STEWE-2) In 1347 many sailors that were dying from the plague were on Italian merchant ships from the Black Sea, which is on the trade route between Europe and China. Within days the sailors on the ship had spread the plague from the port cities to the surrounding countryside, within a year the disease spread as far as England. (S14). (SIP-B) Because of the rapidly spreading disease the mortality rate and decrease of population was very high and greatly affected those who survived. (STEWE-1) Over half of the population had died and extremely quickly, there were so many bodies that there was no more room to bury them, the brutal depopulation is almost unimaginable for those who lived through such a painful time. (S1 …show more content…

(BS-7) If not for the Black Plague the feudal system would have worked and been able to last longer, but the depopulation of the society was so brutal that it was a key factor in its end. (BS-6) The many oaths and agreements between the social classes were part of the glue that held the feudalistic system together. (BS-5) Religion was a very important oral in the feudal system, especially the great chain of being. (BS-4) Knights and vassals were an important class in the feudal system and helped protect the others. (BS-3) There were many separated classes of the feudal system that each had specific duties and a place. (BS-2) The plague spread very fast for many different reasons and caused it to become a much larger disease that it was before. (BS-1) The Black Death was a horrible disease that took a strenuous toll on its people with its many symptoms. (R)To conclude, the Black Death was a horrible epidemic that caused many deaths and was also a vital factor in the feudal systems

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