The Most Useful Aspects of Stanisalvski's System

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The Most Useful Aspects of Stanisalvski's System

Stanislavski was a Russian theatre practitioner who disliked the

melodramatic style of acting that was popular at that time in Russia.

Stanislavski embarked on a quest for truth in his art and devoted his

life to that journey.

Stanislavski method required actors to experience the feeling of

living the life of another human. The basis was that actors must

believe everything that is happening on stage.

Realism was the guiding of Stanislavski's life. Realism is recognised

by its selection of the detailed observations of everyday life, not

the life itself. The two aspects I found most useful in stanislavski's

system were relaxation and concentration and will be analyzing the two

in depth.

A vital point to stanisalvski's idea was the concept of 'relaxation'.

Relaxation techniques and meditations help in focussing the actor on


Tension is an actor's greatest enemy. The aim is to create a relaxed

'inner creative state 'on stage. Stanislavski believed that in order

for an actor to use their body, imagination and voice completely,

their bodies have to be free from any stress. This is extremely

important if an actor is using his body physically.

Stanislavski's relaxation techniques carries out exercises involving

physical stretching and relaxing. He also insisted on using mental

relaxation using imaginations. He concluded that unwanted tension has

to be eliminated.

Learning to properly relax on stage is only a part of the benefit of

the relaxation exercises. While the actor is learning to relax by

identifying tension in individual muscles, he is also learning to

develop and strengthen the power of concentration needed to create the

life of the person, animal or 'thing' he is representing.

Using stanislavski's relaxation techniques throughout the rehearsal

would definitely help the actor. Before every rehearsal, physical

relaxation of regular stretching would help the actor to use their

bodies. Mental relaxation could consist of the actor's imagination and

putting them in scenarios.

I think that Stanislavski's relaxation techniques are useful because

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