The Life and Achievements of Bill Gates

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Bill Gates is renowned for being one of the richest entrepreneurs in the world; he is the cofounder of the most recognized brands in the computer industry called Microsoft. Gates was born October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. He grew up in a wealthy family and had two sisters. William H. Gates, Sr., who was their father, was a successful lawyer and their mother dedicated her time to staying home and raising the children. The Gates family maintained a warm and close environment and encouraged the mentality to strive for excellence. Bill took this to heart in everything he was involved with.

He was a rapacious reader and spent most of his time indulging in information found in reference books and encyclopedias. Examining this behavior, his parents decided it was best to enroll Bill in a preparatory school called Seattle’s Lakeside School. At this time he was 13 years old. While attending there he became extremely interested computers and their function. Soon enough he found a friend with the same enthusiasm, his name, Paul Allen.

By 1970, their duo developed various basic com...

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