The Importance of Big Data to Business

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Why Big-Data is important
Why is Data is important for a company? What are the effects?
Competitive advantage:
All companies obtain information on their customers or on their product. All these information may help a business to develop new strategies. They can also forge ahead by treating these big data. All companies have in their possession those information, so use it can be very useful. A company can identify for example their weaknesses and can improve their strategy to become the best on the market. It will help to create more opportunities for the company and maybe create a real competitive advantage.
Big Data allows a segmentation of customers and therefore much more precisely tailored products or services:
Effectively, big data provides the companies with the opportunity to know and understand their customers. With Big Data, a company holds a lot of information about their customers, such as their habits, what is the product they prefer, the time they make purchases, how many products they buy and what kind of promotion their prefer. Then they can make a relation with who the person is, age, gender. Thus they can adapt their offer to the customer. If you are a good client, you can have private discount, or more discount. The objective is to know personally your customer to make them feeling unique.
Big Data can unlock significant value by making information transparent:
A lot of data are not on a digital mode. (A lot is still on a paper format.) So that kind of information is very difficult to find. Some studies explain that it is nearly 25% of the effort of some employee. If all information would be easy to find on easy networks companies will win in transparency of the information. Because this effort is real...

... middle of paper ... Reips. ““Big Data”: Big Gaps of Knowledge in the Field of Internet Science.” International Journal of Internet Science 7.1 (2012): n. pag. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.

Friedman, Uri. “Big Data: A Short History.” Foreign Policy, 8 Oct. 2012. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.

Sources: CIO-
TDWI Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing-
American Civil Liberties Union-

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