The Importance Of Social Support

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Support systems "Help the individual mobilize his psychological resources and master his psychological, emotional burdens; they share his tasks; and they supply him with extra supplies of money, materials, tools, skills, and cognitive guidance to improve his handling of his situation" (Caplan, 1974). Social support on physical and emotional comfort given to us by our family, friends, co-workers and others. It is knowing that people are part of a community of people who love and care for us, and value and think well of us. All people need a person who can depend on during both the good times and the bad. Maintaining a healthy social support network is hard work and something that requires continuing effort over time. The purpose of The nature of social behavior is that a lot of people find it hard to share their feelings and problems and open their hearts. However, when people have the ability to talk out their problems and feel accepted and understood, social interaction is very helpful to mental health. Within the social group it is influenced by the number of interactions person have and the bonds person form. Researchers have documented a positive association between social support and physical health and social support has been connected in the etiology of disease and the success of treatment following illness. (Hale, Hannum, & Espelage, 2005). In theory, Kanaiaupuni, Donato, Thompson-Colon, and Stainback in (2005), In several ways social relationships are linked to better health. They possibly will provide emotional benefits, for example: intimacy, a sense of belonging, and self-esteem. They may also offer influential and material benefits by means of providing real support, such as money, services, goods, guidance, and advice. One of the earliest studies on social networks and health was Durkheim’s (1951) work on the relationship between social isolation and suicide. Since then, a lot of studies have documented the health-enhancing effects of social integration. Social support and social engagement improve disease recovery rates, promote cognitive development and function and Every time person reach for the phone when person had a bad day, accept help when person overwhelmed, or even search online to get information from someone on how to handle a stress, the person demonstrating that knowing what research has constantly shown: that different types of social support can really help with stress!. Is there a best type of social support? And how do the different types of social support affect ? Four Types of Social Support While there are a many of ways people can support one another, a large amount of research has been done on the effects of four different types of social support:The first type is Emotional Support: This is what people most often think of when they talk about social support. People are emotionally supportive when they tell us that they care about us and think well of us. For example, if a person separated from partner or lost job, a close friend might call every day for the first few weeks afterwards just to see how the person doing and to let the person know that he or she

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