The Importance Of Professional Ethics

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Ethics, often referred to as morals or principles, are a set of self-instilled ideas that help us govern our sense of right and wrong. As soon as a person is born and starts having the ability to interact with others, they learn what kinds of actions are expectable, and which ones are not. They are starting the long journey of ethical enlightenment. I say long journey, because it will take a person’s entire infancy, childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood to have a fully developed sense of ethics.
In infancy a person learns what might be considered basic ethics. Things such as, do not hit others, using manners, and sharing with others. A person will not be able to, or allowed to, function with others if they are constantly hurting or
They start to emulate their values and ethical characteristics. At this point, an observer is likely to get a good idea of who this person is and how successful they will be at socializing with others. If the adolescent shows signs of admiring people who have poor ethical behaviors, meaning characteristics that are not prized by the majority like selfishness and callousness, they are likely to struggle in relationships with others. This is because most people do not generally like those kinds of
When working a job there will be opportunities for unethical behavior, behaviors that have been deemed wrong by the government, company, society, or the industry. People with good personal ethics usually have no problem with industry ethics, because industry ethics have been thoughtfully chosen to be in step with popular personal ethics that have been deemed correct. If a person already had personal ethics that kept them from lying to others, they would not have a problem with professional ethics that says all employees should treat customers with respect and honesty. There are also times when professional ethics have to crossover to people’s personal lives. An example of this would be a psychologist. Their professional ethics state that they are not allowed to discuss their patient’s personal information with anyone else. This would also have to be applied when they are not on the clock. They would not be able to talk about a patient at the grocery store for

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