The Importance Of Ethics In Professional Psychology

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Ethics play a major part in individual daily lives. Whether it is in an individual career, business, or family there are ethical values. Based on cultural, economics and religious differences many time the standards of ethics may vary. Some ethical values may be stronger and others may have few rules/laws they may abide by. Ethics are based upon a persons or groups moral principles, as we know some peoples’ morals should be questioned. This is the reason that large organizations have set in place their own ethical principles that they want their members to follow. Any profession that deals with psychology not only follows the organizational ethical rules but that of the American Psychology Association (APA). The APA refers to the ethical guidelines, Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Students of The Chicago School of Professional Psychology also follow another set of ethical values known as the TCS Codes of Conduct. Both ethical guidelines focus on the “do’s and don’ts” of the psychology world and that of the school. Both altos discuss at length the consequences of an individual …show more content…

The TCP Codes of Conduct also states very clearly “a student is prohibited from engaging in conduct that is detrimental to the school, poses a threat to the welfare of the school’s employees or students, is prohibited by school policies, or is illegal”. If the type of activity is conducted by any student then TCSPP administrators have the authority to “ban individuals believed to pose a significant risk to others from school events and/or programs… A student may be restricted from campus or disciplined for improper or illegal conduct whether it occurs on- or off-campus (including cyberspace), and regardless of whether the conduct is specifically tied to a school activity” (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology,

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