The Importance Of Mathematics In Education

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Mathematics is essential of our daily life for numerical and calculation activities as well as knowledge. It helps human being to give exact interpretation to their ideas and conclusions. It deals with quantitative facts and relationships as well as with problems involving space and form. Mathematics studies order abstracted from the particular objects and phenomena, which exhibit it, and in a generalized form (Saleem & Khalid, 2000).

In the field of educational sector the use of information and communication technology (ICT) carried incredible progress in both developed and developing country. In teaching-learning process ICT has also made revolution for changing the roles of teachers and learners. ICT is being used successfully in developed …show more content…

According to Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS), in 2015 total number of secondary level school are 20297, total number of secondary level teacher are 243117 and total number of enrolled students are 9743072. Nearly one crore students are engaging in mathematics education in secondary level. Mathematics is a non-literacy courses and teaching-learning process of Mathematics education have some difficulties due to lacking infrastructure facilities and sufficient numbers of qualified teacher. It is revealed that using technology is essential for mathematics teaching and learning (,,,,,,,,,,,ref......). Moreover, technology is considered to be important because it could influence teaching-learning, and curriculum reform. Schoenfeld (1987) stated that mathematics teacher’s beliefs can be thought of as individual perspectives on how one engages in mathematical tasks and pedagogical practices. It is required to availability and accessibility of ICT resources (e.g. hardware, software and communications infrastructure) at school for effective teaching-learning of Mathematics. Using technology can influences the Mathematics teaching that is taught and enhances students’ learning. There are several benefits of using ICT in teaching and learning Mathematics (Sadar A. et. al., 2011). ICT has the potential to transform the nature of education; improving teacher’s design work, enhancing the roles of students and teachers in the learning process and helping to create a collaborative learning environment (Khan, Hossain, Hasan and Clement, 2012). However, there are some challenges and opportunities to integration of ICT in mathematics teaching and learning in secondary schools those would try to explore by this

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