Computer Technology in the Classroom

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Computer Technology in the Classroom

Not many people would argue that computer technology is bad for the K-12 classroom. There is, however, a serious and thought-provoking debate going on regarding computer technology in the classroom. At issue is to what extent and at what age should computers be integrated in American classrooms. There is no question that a certain level of technology will bring improvements in academic achievement. In one study on children of low socioeconomic status a definite improvement was seen. It was noted that, “Increasing the technology available to students encourages, facilitates, and supports student achievement – at the elementary level, the most profound effects were found in the area of mathematics” (Page 391). Page also states that, “numerous studies have demonstrated that young children’s self-esteem or self-concept directly affects their academic performance” (Page 391).

In fact, findings from one study [1] conclude that there is a positive correlation between the use of technology in the classroom, improved self-esteem and achievement. This study indicates that students view the computer as a valuable and practical tool and is actually a preferred way of learning. Because of these preferences, students have higher levels of achievement and performance.

Children also become mesmerized by the graphic images; they seem to adapt and enjoy technology and all it has to offer. One could argue that this enthusiasm would easily flow into more learning.

Computers can also capture and hold a child’s interest like no other learning tool. Consider, for example, NASA’s recent Mars landing and exploration. It is now possible for an elementary classroom to log on and follow events like these as they unfold - they are witnessing and experiencing a national event as it is occurring. There is no doubt that without technology, an event such as this would not be nearly as interesting or appealing as say, following it in the newspaper.

Children also become adept at learning how to wade through an enormous amount of information and material on the Internet in order to find information related to their topic. Some would argue that this is also a beneficial outcome of technology and useful later in life.

For the teacher, computer technology can lead to more efficient time management in record keeping and developing lessons plans as well as the ease of conducting any kind of research and communication without having to leave the classroom.

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