The Importance Of Electronic Waste

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E-waste also known as electronic waste describes discarded electronic devices. There are various ways of managing e waste. E waste poses a lot of danger to the environment. E-Waste accounts for 40 percent of the lead and 75 percent of the heavy metals found in land fills, this may lead to the water being contaminated
One of the ways it can be managed is by reducing ones e waste through proper maintenance and smart procurement. If well taken care of any quality electronic device can last years. However if not properly maintained or if one buys a poor quality device then it will need replacing very quickly. It is essential to buy quality even if the initial cost is high it will last a very long time and also cost less in terms of regular maintenance and also have the added bonus of protecting the environment.
The second way is by still reusing or making use of functioning electronic devices by donating them or selling them to someone who can still use it. In this age of great technological advances new technology can become obsolete very quickly. A lot of people that own electronic devices always find that a new make or model has been introduced in the market and is much better than the one they currently possess. This motivates them to get rid of what they have and purchase the new model. Now there are of course some other people who could greatly benefit from whatever device you are deciding to discard. You can also recover some of that money that you spent buying it by selling it to someone else.
The third way of managing e waste is through recycling those products that you don’t use or cannot be repaired. Recycling involves disassembling the product and components such as metals, plastics and glass are recovered and used to...

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... organisms living in the water. The pollution may also affect biogeochemical cycles such as the oxygen, carbon and hydrological cycle.

The environmental advantages will be that from the revenue obtained from the oil deposits the county and country will have the fiscal resources to fund new renewable forms of energy, such as geothermal energy or improve on existing energy sources. This could lead to reduction in fossil fuel use and in time benefit the environment.
Another benefit of exploration of oil is that oil drilling can lead to the reduction of hydrocarbon seepage rate. This is because it reduces subsurface reservoir pressure. This may lead to the reduction of global natural methane emission rate. These hydrocarbons are a source of pollution in the environment so reducing the seepage will serve to benefit the environment. Methane gas causes climate change

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