Electronic Waste Essay

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Electronic waste (e-waste) is a hazardous pollution effecting our environment and our lives. It is caused by the disposal of electrical appliances due to malfunction, exhaustion or obsolescence. This type of pollution is a concern due to its rapid growth and popularity in today’s society as well as the high levels of toxicity contained within such appliances (Hein Online citation: 17 Vill. Envtl. L.J. 307 2006).

An article on The Human and Environmental Effects of E-waste by Lucy McAllister states that roughly 40 million metric tons of electronic waste is produced globally each year. According to the “Hazards of E-waste: 2014”, e-waste accounts for 40 percent of the lead and 75 percent of the heavy metals found in landfills (Landfills: “The disposal of waste material by burying it, especially as a method of filling in and reclaiming excavated pits” (Landfill: definition of landfill in Oxford dictionary)). Although these electronic appliances are safe when used, once discarded, the acidic conditions can provide an environment in which lead and other heavy metals, which a...

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