Analysis Of Crude Impact

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Crude Impact is a documentary created by James Jandak Wood in 2006. His film talks about the connect between humans, oil, and the environment. He informs the viewer that our dependency on oil is the reason for increasing human population growth. Wood also talks about the negative effects oil has on our health and the environment. Because of the United States dependency on oil, it causes great stress to foreign relationships. Wood’s film uncover the truth about oil and informs the audience of its dangers.
The major problem that the production and use of oil have the environmental is it continuous release of carbon dioxide into the environment. Through the combustion of fossil fuel, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. This, in turn, causes drastic effects to the climate, known as climate change. Climate change causes severe weather and droughts. Hurricane can increase in intensity and flooding can become a major issue. Global warming also happens, which causes more heat, smaller ice caps, and the shutting down of the global ocean conveyor belt. The global ocean conveyor belt is what keeps Europe warm and Antarctica cold. If the global ocean conveyor belt stop working, it can cause an ice age. This can possibly cause the next mass extinction.
Leading up to humans’ use of oil …show more content…

In Ecuador, one billion of its rainforest’s oil was extracted by Texaco. Texaco used foreign land as a way to not practice the regulations that are enforced in the United States. After extraction, Texaco dumped the waste into the environment and it contaminated the rainforest. The waste is known to contain carcinogens and the carcinogens were released into the native people’s water supply. The native people became ill and many developed cancer. In addition, according to the film, this was done deliberately by Texaco to save money on

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