The Importance Of Decision Fatigue In Leadership

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Fatigue in any form is a health concern that effects everyone in one way or another. Leaders of any kind have a high chance of developing decision fatigue due to all the decisions they make throughout the day. Oftentimes leaders are given so much work to accomplish or delegate out that people think they have the ability to work through their fatigue. That is not always the case. Leaders are highly susceptible to decision fatigue due to all the work they must finish day in and day out. Being a leader places great strain and fatigue not only mentally, but physically too. This fatigue can eventually cause errors in decisions being made, and can cause potentially high health risks. Decision fatigue can be avoided, however, it’s not always easily achievable. Overtime the workload placed on a leader can wear them down and alter good decision making becomes. Not only the workload, but the amount of stress place on a leader can also cause decision fatigue. As stated by the National Institute of Justice (2012), “For law enforcement officers, stress can increase fatigue to the point that decision-making is impaired and officers cannot properly protect themselves or citizens” (para. 2). With …show more content…

Decision fatigue occurs when people endure so much stress due to being overworked and over stimulated in the mind. It causes people to become tired and insufficient in their though making. Decision fatigue can result in life altering errors and loss of their leader position, or job entirely. Being able to hand over some of the workload to other coworkers can help reduce decision fatigue. Plus, staying mentally and physically strong can help lessen the chances of developing decision fatigue too. A leader should not be afraid to seek help when experiencing decision fatigue. It could ultimately be the difference of life or death due to making errors from being

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