The Importance Of Communication In Human Communication

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Ross and Rachel Relationship?
Human communication is all around us, from the minute we are born to the second we die, our vast minds and bodies are communicating, we when we don’t realize it we are communicating. Communication is a word that you are going to hear me say a lot this paper. Throughout this course, I have learned that communications vital to our success in our live and work, we are constantly saying things to other and the world. Imagine the world without communications; there is no such thing. We need to communicate to live and to get through everyday life.
Consider Ross and Rachel’s relationship from the hit TV show Friends. In this scene, Ross and Rachel are in an apartment, and Ross is not happy because he feels like Rachel …show more content…

Rachel and Ross’s mutually exclusive relationship with one another is what defines their importance to one another and the proximity parameters. It is also this proximity that highlights their different needs in the relationship. Another characteristic of Message Reception is the intent. Rachel’s needs to have her work life separate; Rachel is within emotional proximity to Ross with helps to deliver the message that she wants to have her work life and love life two different things. The intent of her message to Ross was to ask him why it was so important that he go to the work event with her. Ross real character is letting us know that he is not comfortable with this conversation and doesn’t know what to …show more content…

In addition to the words they use to convey their needs in the relationship with one another, it is the nonverbal cues that smooth the way in their ability to be heard by one another. At the beginning of the clip, they are physically distant as they broach the subject of what is bothering Ross. Which means this is a scary topic for Ross to admit that he is perhaps insecure and needs more affirmation of love from Rachel. Ross initially doesn’t make eye contact with Rachel as he explains his need to be more involved in other aspects of Rachel’s life. Rachel is listening with open body language in which her body is facing Ross and is making eye contact. It is this nonverbal that illustrates her responsiveness, meaning that Ross is important to her. In the relationship As Ross expresses a variety of nonverbal communication. Is look at the ground because he doesn’t know what to say he also open his stands and use the space sounding a lot. Rachel is response it Ross when she gets closer to him to tell him that she loves

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