The Great Gatsby Creative Writing

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Pale sparks of light shone brightly through the half-opened blinds falling across my room. My little old alarm clock rests on the table beside me ticking away as each inevitable second of the day goes by, only to shake, and ring me to wake every morning. My arms reach extensively as I turn off the aggressive alarm. As I lay in bed, still half asleep wishing I had more time to sleep, I realised today was the day. “Today is the day! Let’s go on an adventure!” I screamed eyes widely with excitement. After five long years of planning and working hard, the day has finally arrived. Today was the day I was going to enter the modelling competition I was hoping to get through ever since I was thirteen years old. The sweet smell …show more content…

The bus stop had reminded me, memories came rushing in like heavy waves crashing onto the beach. Anyway, my senses tingling down my spine, suddenly the adrenaline, excitement and nervousness had kicked in and had distracted me from my thoughts. I couldn’t believe we were finally doing this. Arriving at the airport with all my friends, jumping up and down as I was trying to contain my excitement. This was my first time ever travelling, throughout my childhood life; my dream was to be a model. Finally we checked in and trembled towards the plane. The atmosphere had suddenly changed, it was peaceful and relaxing. Soon, after a while, the plane took off. I have never felt so carefree. Ten long hours passed by, I can feel the plane going closer to the ground, it shakes a bit while landing, scaring everyone around me. I look through the clear window. It was like a new world and experience for me, the smell, the people, the things surrounding me, the buildings; I could go on talking forever about this place. It felt magical and my life was about to change. My first steps outside of the plane and I could already feel the scorching heat, sweat trickling down my pale face and through my …show more content…

I overheard a bunch of girls with long wavy hair and a slim tall body talking and laughing about their experience and I felt I had no luck considering how good they were. Comparing myself to them, I had no chance. The numbers “5798” were called out through the microphone and it was my turn; my heart was racing as fast as a race car. Getting up on stage was the hardest part, my long black hair was down in public for the very first time, and of course I felt uncomfortable. I spot my friends at the back cheering for me, it wasn’t so bad. The moment felt like seconds until it was all over. The hard part is waiting, waiting for the results feels like months, even

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