The Force In Star Wars

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The force is calling, a power that has the ability to lure oneself to one side or the other. The two forces that make up the galaxy of Star Wars is the light and the dark side. The force is an energy field created by all living things in the galaxy. The force is connected through midi-chlorians which are organelles that live inside each individual. The higher the midi-chlorian count the more connected you are to the force, making you more valuable. The theory of evolution is that the midi-chlorians have the ability to communicate with the force directly, which would explain why the force just so happens to bring people together at the right time. Specific people have the ability to feel disturbances in the force, such as deaths, if they are more connected to the force. Everyone has the ability to use the force, but its also a choice, every Jedi and Sith can chose to be in-tune with the force. The force in “Star Wars,” is what gives a Jedi their power, it’s an energy field that holds everything together. Both sides of the force are equally strong and if one rules completely it is not good for the galaxy. They both have moments when one side appears stronger or weaker then the other side. The balance of the galaxy is in the hands of the light and the dark forces. As the light and dark sides of the force are …show more content…

Anakin Skywalker had the highest midi-chlorian count in the galaxy resulting in his expectation to be the balance of the force. Anakin transforms from a heroic Jedi from the light side into an evil Sith Lord on the dark side. Darth Vader never fully transformed to the dark side as there was always good left inside him. Anakin balances the force in the end when returning to the light side when he defeats his master to save his son, Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker is the son of Anakin Skywalker or Darth Vader, who was considered the most heroic Jedi of the

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