Physics In Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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Physics. Its included in man movies and shows that we all watch. Little do we know that it's not really as accurate as we all thought. Directors can be a little over exaggerating and make some mistakes. Many people have seen Star Wars: The last Jedi. That movie has a lot of physic included and yet most of the time, they are all misplaced. To start off with, how were we able to hear the explosions? Star Wars is a movie in outer space. In order to hear the explosions, sound waves have to travel through a medium, like air or water. In our case, the gas particles in space are way too far apart from one another. It would be difficult to transfer energy that would travel to a human ear drum. Astronomer Engle states that “the explosions that occured in outer space would not look as fiery as they do in the movie.” From this quote the reader can infer that due to the little amount of oxygen, the explosions would not be as big as they are shown. Furthermore, this shows that physics is exaggerated in movies. …show more content…

This is really over exaggerated and false. Lightsabers are made of light and light doesnt have mass. This means they can not cut through things. Although some people say that the lightsabers are made out of plasma, they still have to reach the temperature of at least 200 degrees. This again would make it impossible, considering the fact people wouldn't even be able to hold it. In the article “scientific inaccuracies,” the author states that “it is possible that light can be manipulated into a laser which can cut things but it would have to be bent in order to look the way it does in the films, and light does not bend.” Furthermore, this quote illustrates how we would need a lot of energy to power this, which would end up being to big to

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