The Film Blow: Differential Association Theory

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Differential Association Theory The film “Blow” covers many different topics of differential association theories. The attitudes, the values, and the motives for criminal behavior as learned behavior. The film Blow, goes into the start of a young kid name George Jung, his parents want him to have values and live a wonderful life for himself. George is raised with father owning his own business, a stay home mother. A young boy gets older and even though they struggle financially his parents make sure they teach him the honest values of life. But in this film George Jung is a high school football star and wants to see other options and forget what values his parents have taught him. The young man from a small place gets millions from distributing cocaine and ends up losing it all. The behaviors of George Jung become intense with curiosity as he arrives in California to attend college with his friend Tuna. While George arrives in California he is companied by a young woman to introduce him to the drug world. This is where George is influenced by deviant behavior as this is not inheritance of genetic but is a learning behavior surrounding himself of …show more content…

George’s attitude changes from the admirable young man that didn’t have everything but grew up with caring parents to a deviance selfish millionaire. The film shows parts of how criminal behavior can be influenced by George Jung, he wants to use his deviant mind to get rich fast and does not really have to lift a finger. George has made his connections to have the trust of others and to persuade them to go with just him. He does provide an honest verbal communication between his people. George went from dealing small quantities of marijuana to individuals to where he is distributing planes full of 100% pure cocaine to high

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