Ethical Dilemmas In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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An Ethical Dilemma
People were terrified and disfranchised, John Steinbeck created Of Mice and Men which sets place during the ¨dirty thirties¨ (time of the Great Depression) a time where strength could not overcome aloneness and alienation. The child-like character Lennie was one of the most misunderstood characters even with his best friend and caretaker George. In the beginning, they were uncanningly together in a society of loners during the time having only each other, so close many assumed they were brothers. Throughout the story George had vowed to take care of Lennie, however under the circumstances he faced he chose to shoot his ¨best friend¨. What truly led up to this and how would the story have gone differently if George did not kill Lennie?
As aforementioned they lived in the Great Depression a time where achieving the American Dream was almost impossible to do, especially with all the farms being lost in Oklahoma. Most of the character's perspectives of Lennie was that he was most simply a passive aggressive retard. Later in the novel the reader notices that he is incredible strong which serves to positive and negative effects in the story. Also, his thinking pattern is rather awkward or odd for someone of his age because what keeps him concentrated is this depiction of a farm where they will ¨tend the up a fire in the stove¨ (Steinbeck 14) which makes him mentally ill. When something is said to him about animals, he would instantly recognise with this desire, but for everything else, he is pretty much a useless man but other people who were willing to listen like Slim and Crooks who get to know him understood that he is if anything vulnerable which is what many characters were even

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