Character of Significant Growth in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

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In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George, one of the main characters, showed significant growth from beginning to end. At the start of the novel he had a different way of living and outlook on life than he did towards the end. At the start of the novel he was an idealist, and had been motivated, antisocial, short tempered, and much more. George started this novel with a dream of living an ideal life with Lennie. “We’re gonna live off the fatta the land,” he’d say. He wanted to go somewhere off the grid with Lennie so that they’d both be safe and not have to worry about other people or Lennie getting in trouble. He wants to escape the harshness of the world that the two live in so that they can both be safe and happy. “I’d be bringin’ in my own crops ‘stead of doing all the work and not getting what comes outta the ground,” he hopes to leave the life of the migrant worker and own his own ranch and be his own boss. As the novel goes on he realises that any of this is probably not possible. No matter how much he saves up he will never be able to get enough money to buy and sustain his dream farm and Lennie is going to keep getting in trouble. George understands that he can’t hide Lennie from the world forever and that the natural order of things is that the strong pick off the weak, and he will eventually have to let Lennie go. This motivates him to seize reality, meaning he had to kill Lennie, which itself was a sign of tremendous growth in himself. Killing Lennie had many effects on George; one of them being that he became one of the men he’d tell Lennie stories about. George believed that he and Lennie were not like the other migrant workers – travelling alone and spending all their earning on a whim. When George would te... ... middle of paper ... ...icked in and he tried to think of how he could help Lennie –and when he caught up with Lennie he didn’t reprimand him or yell at him. All in all, the most noticeable, but probably overlooked, change is the fact that he no longer has a dream. So much of his life had depended on his and Lennie’s dream. The dream was a constant topic of conversation between him and Lennie (and eventually Candy as well). The stories and the planning all gone to waste because he had given up on his dream. That is the most noticeable difference. The abandonment of this fantasy changed everything and was at the heart of most of the developments seen in his character. There were multiple changes in George’s character, some blindingly obvious and some that were fairly subtle. All these changes had the same root – George’s choice to abandon his dream with Lennie and shoot his friend.

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