The Effects Of Lies And Truth In Lois Lowry's Number The Stars

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In “Number the Stars”, by Lois Lowry, Annemarie got lied to by the adults a few times. They did that to Annemarie for a good reason. Sometimes lying to a kid is a good thing, but sometimes it is not. An example of a good time is when you lie to a kid for their safety.The effects of lies and truth on Annemarie’s story, are good. Annemarie was told that her sister Lisa, died in a car accident, and that her Great Aunt Birte died. Annemarie knew there was no Great Aunt Birte, but she went along with it, wondering why nobody ever told her about Great Aunt Birte, or why she had never seen her. Later on, they tell Annemarie that Great Aunt Birte was not dead, and there was no Great Aunt Birte. Great Aunt Birte was a “name” for the items inside

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