The Effects Of Exercise On Fat Loss And Weight Loss

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1. No. While exercise helps to lose more fat and less muscle while losing weight it is not possible to choose where you want the fat loss to come from. The area in which you lose fat while exercising depends on where your body stores fat to begin with, and also usually depends on your genetics as well. The more weight a person loses, the more likely they are to reduce fat, and they may even potentially have a reduction of the fat in the area of desire. 2. No. The only true and proven way to lose weight is through a combination of a healthy diet and exercise. Rubber exercise suits and saunas can be dangerous because they cause excessive sweating, this causes the body to lose fluids, which can cause dehydration and reduces the body’s ability …show more content…

Yes, exercise contributes to weight loss. Exercise is responsible for developing muscle, and they are a major fat-burning tissue in the body. Through gaining muscle, the body’s metabolic rate increases, and that causes you to begin to burn more fat at rest than a person whose body has more fat and less muscle. This allows you to burn calories even when you’re not exercising, which will increase weight loss. 4. Yes. By increasing your caloric intake through eating, you can gain weight. It is important to gain weight in a healthy manner, such as increasing your intake of wholesome carbohydrates (juice, bananas, raisins). Carbohydrates fuel the muscles and will also enhance your ability to perform muscle-building exercises. It is important to include moderate amounts of muscle-building exercise to bulk up in terms of gaining weight rather than just having the gained weight turn to fat. 5. When you stop exercising some of your muscles decrease in size while fat deposits in the body increase in size. Weight gain and an increase in body fat can also occur after one stops …show more content…

An obese and sedentary person should always check with their doctor before starting an exercise program (especially if they have health conditions) to make sure that their body is capable of exercise. Once given approval, they can start walking regularly. They have to remember to pay close attention to the duration and frequency of their walks to reap the same benefits as say running or bicycling. Also, increasing the duration of their walks as they begin to lose weight and their body is adjusting to an exercise program. 7. Body composition is a combination of fat mass and fat-free mass. Body composition comes down to calories, expending more than you’re in taking to lose weight, and in taking more than you’re expending to gain weight. Gaining/losing weight affect body composition. Therefore, the only way to change your body composition is through diet and exercise. 8. Exercising in the aerobic zone is most useful for weight loss. You however burn more fat during low-intensity workouts in the heart healthy zone. It is important to focus on frequency and duration of your exercise during a weight control program, and not necessarily the intensity. 9. No, it does not mean that the person remained physically fit. While the person has remained the same weight, it most likely means that some of their muscles decreased in size while some of their fat deposits increased in size. Exercising however slows down the rate in which this exchange occurs during

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