The Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Oxygen Production in a Plant While Photosynthesis is Taking Place

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The Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Oxygen Production in a Plant While Photosynthesis is Taking Place

Hypothesis: I predict that as the intensity of light is increased, so

would the photosynthesis. Furthermore, I predict that if the light

intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis will increase at a

proportional rate and more oxygen will be produced and therefore the

oxygen levels will increase. However, the lower the light intensity,

less oxygen will be produced which would affect this investigation.

This is all due to photosynthesis. Photosynthesis occurs only in the

presence of light and takes place in the chloroplasts of green plant

cells. It can be defined as the production of simple sugars from

carbon dioxide and water causing the release of sugar and oxygen.

The sunlight gives energy for photosynthesis and when the sun gives

more energy to the plant and hits the chlorophyll the chlorophyll

absorbs it and therefore, catches more carbon dioxide, water, glucose

and oxygen.


- Test tube- this is used to collect the left over oxygen.

- Water- this is to keep the pondweed alive.

- Beaker- to store the pondweed and to do the experiment in.

- Funnel- to keep plant in place/together.

- Pondweed- type of plant used in experiments.

- Hold the funnel in place.

- Light source- to reflect on to the pondweed.


- Set up equipment as shown above.

- Change the light intensity to test whether if affects the oxygen

being produced.

- To test this, the light source has to have different distances from

the beaker at a distance of 10cm.

- Place the light source near the beaker.

- Count the oxygen bubbles for a minute.

- Record your results.

- Do the same, but have your distances away from the light source for

20cm, 30cm, 40cm and 50 cm.

- Record your results.

- Record the average to do the graph.

Distance (cm)

Number of oxygen bubbles in 1 minute (per minute)

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