Investigating the Effects of Sodium Concentrations Have on the Rate of Photosynthesis

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Investigating the Effects of Sodium Concentrations Have on the Rate of Photosynthesis


To investigate the effects that different concentrations of sodium

hydrogen carbonate on the rate of photosynthesis.


Background Research


Photosynthesis Equation:

Light energy & chlorophyll

[IMAGE]6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2




The resistance of a wire depends on certain factors. Some of these

variables are listed below:

· Light Wavelength

· Carbon Dioxide (sodium hydrogen carbonated)

· Temperature

· Water

All these factors will have to be kept constant except the

concentration of sodium hydrogen carbonate to make sure that the

investigation is a fair test. I have decided to investigate how the

concentration of sodium hydrogen carbonate affects photosynthesis

because other factors such as temperature and wavelength are hard to

control or vary. I will weaken the concentration by half each time and

will start at 5% and make my way down to 0.08 %.


I Prediction: I predict that decreasing the concentration will

decrease the rate of photosynthesis at a proportional rate until it

stops completely. This is because when you take away C02, you are

reducing the amount of resources the plant has to work with so there

should be less oxygen being produced.

Fair Test

To make sure that my test is fair I will make sure to keep all the

factors mentioned above the same apart from the concentration of

sodium hydrogen carbonate. I will make sure they stay the same by

checking them before each test. I will also do each test three times

and make a mean average. I must also thoroughly wash all equipment,

after every test.


· Funnel

· Pond weed

· Beaker

· Water

· Measuring cylinder

· Stopwatch

· Sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3)

Risk Assessment and Safety Precautions

There are not many safety precautions that need to be taken into

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