The Definition Of Liberal Peace Or Democratic Liberalism?

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In 1982, President Reagan gave a speech before the British Parliament, he announced a “crusade for freedom” and a “campaign for democratic development”. These liberal claims are that of Liberal Peace, also called Democratic Peace or Democratic Liberalism. According to Doyle in his Liberalism and World Politics, “there is no canonical description of liberalism”. But, there are some characteristics that are commonly related to what we call liberal, such as “democracy, individual freedom, political participation, private property and equality of opportunity”. So liberalism is a set of principles and institutions with certain characteristics. The notion of democracy which is part of liberalism is important to fully understand the theory of …show more content…

The Liberal Peace Theory

A/ What is the definition of the Liberal Peace Theory ?

According to Zenonas Tziarras, “Democratic Liberalism is based on the notion that liberal democracies are more peaceful and law-abiding in relation to other political systems. The liberal peace theory and therefore liberal peace-building, have become more prominent after the end of the Cold War because of the predominance of the western ideology”. The liberal peace theory is based on the fact that liberal democracies have never fought a war against each other, they only fight autocracies. In his essay A dyad of Democracy and Economic Interdependence, Ground in Agent Desires, David R. Newbrander explains that the desire of individuals for security and felicty is what encourages people to get together in order to create a government that would “provide protection from threats, enforcement of law, and stability for industry”.

B/ Evolution of the theory

The Liberal Peace theory appeared in the late 1970s but has deeper roots. Indeed, its main principles can be found in Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan (1651) and in Immanuel Kant Perptual Peace (1795). Principles from those two books are gathered to create this …show more content…

They explained that the main goal of political leaders is to be reelected in order to remain in office and that to achieve this goal they will threaten to use force to resolve a conflict only if there is a high possibility of a successful result. Indeed, according to Kant, when given the choice, very few people would vote positively to go to war and since the state is ruled by a democratic government representing the people, it is supposed to make the same choice as the people. The theorists of this era said that democracies were characterized by norms of non-violent conflict resolution, compromise and the rule of law. They claimed that these norms are externalized into the international

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