The Definition Of Leadership According To The Leadership Theory?

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2.2. Leadership theory 2.2.1. Definition of leadership Leadership is the ability that someone has to motivate, guide and empower a group of people, in the particular case the personnel of an organization, in order to achieve specific goals. There are some basic characteristics that result from this definition and they are the following: 1. Leadership is not only a talent. It is also a science that it can be taught, 2. Mobilizing others is the key world of leadership theory. Inspiration is the basic tool that a leader can use, 3. Leadership is not dictatorship. It is a common effort that aims to a common goal, 4. ethics is a significant issue in leadership theory, 5. leadership is interesting to the feelings of the employees who work in a project. People are not numbers but personalities with particular characteristics and wishes, 6. a leader does not need types to be respected by the employees. He gains them with his personality and they follow him because they agree with his recommendations and they trust him. 2.2.2. Basic principles of leadership There are some basic principles of leadership that reveals her significant role in the well fair of an organization. They are the following: 1. A leader must know well himself and should improve him all the time, 2. must be expert in his scientific field, 3. should not afraid to take the responsibility for his decisions, 4. should use decision making and planning tools, 5. must be an example for the employees to follow, 6. should take care of his partners and try to give reliable solutions to their problems, 7. he/she should inform his partners for every matter well and clearly, 8. he should pass the message that everyone in a project has the same part ... ... middle of paper ... ...eadership The leader trusts his personnel and leaves it free to work by his own program. He supports his team and he is ready to help them at any time. The staff is satisfied because he has the control of the work and the productivity in most cases is high. The style requires from anyone, deep knowledge of the sector. 7. Task oriented leadership The main concern of the leader is the job to be done. In order to be sure, he creates specific programs and directives. He is very close to autocratic style. 8. Servant leadership Leading by example is the main idea. Servant leaders do not want to be in the first line and they prefer to guide their employees from a distance. They distinguish because of their personality, their behavior and their values. The only disadvantage is that in a competitive financial environment it is difficult from them to be recognized.

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