Leadership Development Case Study

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Leadership Development There tend to be a variety of concepts regarding how, as well as what should undergo consideration when developing leadership in individuals. Scholars have different suggestions on the kind of approaches that should get observed during the practice. As a result, this paper seeks to unravel various forms of leadership approaches, as well as suggesting the best theory that should be in use when creating a perfect leader. Additionally, the work will establish ways of determining the effectiveness of a leadership program. First, trait theory of leadership development holds that a person is either born with, or without leadership qualities. According to this approach, it is the inherited cognitive ability that will enable …show more content…

It holds that various situations require different leadership styles to result in effective outcomes. According to this school of thought, it is the assessment of the competence, as well as the commitment of the leader’s subjects that makes the whole practice a success. As a result, a leader should access the two factors before deciding on either directive or supportive form of management. Path-Goal is another form of leadership development approach. It is about how leaders motivate their subjects to see them accomplish the given objective. According to this school of thought, an active leader should have the ability to drive their followers, as well as removing the possible obstacles towards the given goal (Baker, 2013). The transactional theory is another form of leadership development approach. It states that effectiveness in leadership depends on the leader focusing on the exchange between them and the followers, such as rewards and punishments (Baker, …show more content…

For example, teams from the United States would easily engage in a controversial discussion’s and be willing to challenge their facilitator, but participants from other cultures may be more reluctant to do so because of their cultural norms. Some cultures are taught to question everything; so they are more likely to ask why and want justification for the content and an explanation for the methods of a program. Cultural values can affect how a learning process is implemented, how feedback is provided, and the overall setting in which learning and development can be taken full advantage of. This is why cultural context must always be considered with Leader

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