The Danger Of A Single Story Analysis

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In the video, The Danger of a Single Story by Chizamanda Nagzi Adichie on TedTalks website, Chizamanda goes into detail of her personal experiences with stereotyping being the key component of her stories. I agree with her overall message in this intriguing video. What I believe to be the main importance of the TedTalk is that society will form a definite judgment on certain matters over biased data. She explains the danger in telling one side of a story that will have the audience base their conclusion only on that partial evidence. They avoid gathering other essential information on that topic. Miss Adichie refers to a few private instances of how a single story can deteriorate a person’s perspective on another person and their culture. Chizamanda describes the feeling of pity that …show more content…

The author goes onto convey another personal experience of this characteristic that she experienced when she meet her roommate. Through social media, national coverage, and personal discussions, Chizamanda’s roommate, like the rest of us, was fed one version of the story when it came to the African lifestyle. Because of her incomplete information on the African lifestyle, she assumed that Africans listened to tribal music, couldn’t speak English, and other prejudices that come to mind when African culture is brought up in topic. Her roommate had already made her mind of who Chizamanda was before meeting her. Her perspective on African lifestyle was altered after she met Chizamanda. Chizamanda, who is a Nigerian woman that speaks English and listens to Mariah Carey on her spare time. Chizamanda provides a more national example of categorizing individuals that she was exposed to during her stay in America. The topic was immigration and how the Mexican culture and their people were the “poster boy” of this issue. Individuals linked to Mexican heritage are automatically connected to immigration problems because of the

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