The Constitution: An Example Of A Democratic Document

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Definitions. There are so many different views about the world that a definition that could seem sound to me yet, appear to be an incredibly radical to someone else. It has been 230 years since the Constitution was signed, there has probably been hundreds of definition about what democracy means.
In my opinion Democracy is a government that has been elected by the people through their chosen representatives and the people of that country are the foundation. There are many examples of the Constitution being a democratic document. For example in article 26 in the Constitution, it states that “The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of age”. This proves that the Constitution is a democratic document because the people are voting to elect their representatives, then those people generally listen and vote with the people for the government …show more content…

One example of the constitution not being a democratic document is how much the different branches rely on each other to keep them honest yet, there is not as many chances for the people to keep its government in check. While the Checks and balance system is a often applauded it causes some to question how democratic the Constitution really is. Another example of a piece of the document being questioned for its non-democratic nature is the electoral college. This is the system in place where each state gets the amount of electoral voters that they have in senators and representatives. Then those people vote on who our president is rather than the people voting on its government officials. This also is bad because it puts another layer in between the people and it’s government which means that the people have less access to not only be directly informed but, it also prevents the people from keeping the government in

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