The Clorox Brand

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One case study that we looked at was conducted by the Clorox brand. Clorox looked at the different types of products they sell and why some categories sell better than others. Clorox struggles to sell products that are meant for purposes where bleach as an ingredient would be harmful and would cause damage to the surface that the product is being used. Some examples of these types of products where bleach would be damaging would include laundry detergent, carpet cleaner, or oven cleaner. Clorox discovered that they were struggling to sell these kinds of items because people tend to associate the brand Clorox with bleach, regardless of whether the product has bleach in it or not. Since people associate the Clorox brand with bleach, Clorox decided that they needed to be careful with how they extend their …show more content…

They decided to keep their focus primarily on products where bleach as an ingredient is considered a good thing and is seen as a benefit to the surface that the product is being used on. The second case study is focusing on the brand extension of Calvin Klein. According to Learning & Memory chapter, brand extension strategy is “try to capitalize on consumer’s positive associations with an existing brand or company name.” We gave a logo “CK, ” and everyone would know this is a logo from Calvin Klein. Calvin Klein has struggled around many fashion brands like Tommy Hilfiger, or Ralph Lauren. Since the 1970s, the fashion designer Calvin Klein had add sportswear, classic blazers, and lingerie to his women’s collection. After that, the company made attempts to create its fragrance line. Since the 1980s, Klein expanded the market of men’s underwear (Calvin Klein Underwear collections) and nowadays, we can see celebrities like Justin Bieber or Kendal Jenner are the face of CK’s underwear campaign. Many brand names and licensing have been

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