The Causes of Unemployment

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For: Being unemployed is really the fault of the individual because if they are unemployed then it is by choice. Many choose to be unemployed because they are unmotivated and they still get the social security benefits. Most unemployed people stay unemployed as they don't have any motivation to get a job and they have lost their self esteem, confidence, and they think that they can't do the job. This is the start of society problems which start of with alcoholism, drug usage which leads to stealing and breaking in to houses to get money which leads to a jail sentence and may give a bad impression to the employers as individuals with a criminal record are unlikely to be hired. Another reason for unemployment may be a bad reputation. e.g. Their manners or public relations from previous companies. An employer will also judge the individual by their characteristics and if they are seen to be rude and uninterested they definitely won't get the job. Also since many of these unemployed people have not worked in a long while or even not at all, they will not be hired as they have no working experience or have not displayed any initiative. A never ending vicious cycle of an underclass of very poor and demoralized people is started. A huge number of the unemployed community has had no education either because their parents were unemployed themselves or they dropped out of school. Due to lack of education and lack of guidance they have no skills and are often at a loss when there is a job offer as their resume is not as qualified as other individuals who are also applying for the job. Also many don't see being unemployed as a problem as they may think that if their parents were unemployed it is okay for them to be unemployed as well. In many ways being unemployed is the individuals fault as the government provides the social security benefits as an aid. The social security benefits is only meant to be of help for a short period of

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