Homework Is Dumb

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“Homework is dumb. Homework takes too much time. What’s the point of all of this homework?” This is the thought of many students today whenever it comes to doing homework. Many of them complain that they have jobs that may interfere with homework. Some of them use sports as a reason to get out of doing their homework, but several teachers offer time in class, and early morning tutoring for those students who are struggling or may not have time to do assignments away from school. Although many students feel it is unnecessary and a waste of time, homework can be very beneficial to these students whenever it comes to review or test taking times.
Many students feel that doing homework can be a waste of time. They think that since teachers sometimes don’t go back over the homework the next day, or whenever they collect it, if they collect it at all, that it can be considered futile. Other students deem that they could be doing something, in their mind, as more productive such as sports, or other extracurricular activities. Some students feel …show more content…

While doing homework, teachers and students both, can improve different abilities. Whether it be the teacher’s ability to teach, or the students ability to learn new material and responsibility, they both can benefit from homework. The best way for students to gain a feeling of accomplishment is through increasing test scores (Kohn 6). While doing work during class can help students learn the material, doing the work at home will help them learn the material on their own whenever there isn’t a teacher to help with it. Another benefit of homework, is the feeling a student gets inside whenever he knows he understands the work and knocks the assignment out of the park. This helps increase self esteem throughout the school year towards different

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