The Appropriate Number of Workstations Needed

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The first order of business to address is the assembly line. The assembly line needs to be organized and systematic. It would be in the best interest for the workflow to also specify the appropriate number of workstations needed. I would suggest utilizing the strategies focused around balancing and perfecting the assembling processes of the Shanghai Production Facility owned and operated by Shuzworld. The goal of assemble and balance strategy is to create an effective layout that will allow the company to achieve production goals and compete with other market contenders. The major priorities of a business who is competitive are process, adaptability, consumer connection and condition of work being proper for the employees. When a proper work flow is assembled, these priorities can be meet.

There are many layouts of work flow available and my choice for Shuzworld is the Product Oriented Layout. This layout displays the ability for a company to have long term operation productivity. Product Oriented Layout allows a company to achieve high utilization of work area, equipment, work, and also leads to upgraded stream of materials and information. This layout will also lead to the moral of employees being higher, the daily operations being safer, and the experience interfacing with consumers will be raised.

It is my recommendation to management that the work flow be divided into 6 total workstations. Each station would be responsible for a certain task leading to the production of the final product, the work boot.

Station# Task Time

1 A 10

2 B,C 9

3 D 8

4 E,F,G 10

5 H 9

Each station in the workstation layout will o...

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SPT (short processing time): reduces production time

EDD (earliest due date): reduces late production completion

LPT (longest processing time): biggest task scheduled as primary task

Critical Ratio

* this is created by dividing the time until due date by the remaining work time

* critical ratio assists in: decides what production point a job is at, regulates job predominance, and accommodates the completion based on completion requirement and job movement

Johnson’s Rule

method reduces processing time and reduces idle time by the following:

* alters production formed around changes in demand, product mix, and activity

*due dates are not looked over or past; due dates are based on preference rank

Finite Capacity Scheduling

* responsive calculating and graphic displays

* prevails over of rule-based organization structures

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