Essay On Henry Ford

527 Words2 Pages

Henry Ford and how he changed America Throughout the history of modern civilization, there have been a number of inventions, contraptions, and processes to have made profound impacts on everyday life, and redefine the world, as we know it. With effective quality management, measures American industrialist and innovator Henry Ford used the assembly line to streamline the automotive manufacturing process and transform the American Industry. With the implementation of the assembly line in his manufacturing process Ford was able to offer the American consumer an affordable automobile, while at the same time cutting costs to his company, therefore maximizing his overall productiveness and profit while ensuring his customers’ needs were met. The Goal of any business is to obtain maximum results in the most efficient manner while at the same time providing your customer with the quality product they desire. Often times this process is made difficult with waste or anything that clogs the process unnecessarily. Henry Ford aimed to eliminate this waste through looking at his manufacturing pro...

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