Technology And Human Labor

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Over the last twenty years of human history, technology has exponentially progressed in every field imaginable, whether it is mathematics or medicine, technology has started to become ingrained to our daily life. The surprising part about technology is that just a decade ago, computers became affordable for families to own. Now in modern times, access to computers has never been more important. To further add on, according to,”83.8 percent of U.S households reported computer ownership”. Moreover, cell phones are also increasingly being used, primarily in children, as 64 percent of kids aged 10-14, already possess a phone. These statistics show that technology is already prevalent in this U.S, but, when will the time come when it …show more content…

Even now, machines are being tested to perform human activity. According to,”The bank of England believes that machines might take over 80 million American, and 15 million British jobs over the next ten to twenty years. Hence, almost half of the work force will soon be operated by machines. To add on, has listed potential jobs that will be controlled by machines, one example is a pharmiscist. The article states,”The UCSF medical center recently launched automated robots at two pharmacies. The pharmacy, in the last year have prepared 350,000 doses of medicine, none of which were made with any error”. Therefore, the quotation shows an example of when robots were used in a pharmacy to research the outcome of machines replacing human labor, which was a success. The results show that out of the 350,000 doses of median compiled by the machine, there was no error. Both citations explain who humans are being replaced by technological innovation because they have a higher success are than …show more content…

As machines gain new types of knowledge, they will slowly become as intelligent as humans. According to, google has developed algorithms designed to create thoughts, and this could lead to computers with common sense, in the near future. A professor called Geoff Hinton, was hired to develop machines that could understand logic, natural conversation, and even flirtation. Hinton claims that in the future, people will consider machines as friends, and become attached to them. This information provides us with insight on how there will be a time in which, technology will delineate human speech and experience. Stated in “The skills of Human interaction will bemuse more valuable in the future”,” AlphaGo’s victory over Go champion Lee Se-dol reportedly shocked artificial intelligence experts”. AlphaGo is a computer program developed by Google to play the board game Go, and recently, AlphaGo beat the Go champion Lee Se-dol in his own game. This explains that machines of already reached the point of beating humans in games, showing their superiority. These situations show that machines have already reached the point of being superior to humans in some ways, and it is only a matter of time until they are superior to us in every

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