Are We Digital Dummies Analysis

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The topic of technology and our society has become a very controversial subject today. Many people believe that technology is an essential component of our modern world, helping us to improve communication from farther distances as well as giving us easy access to important information. On the other hand, there is the opinion that too much technology is affecting social interactions and our basic development. “Technology…is a queer thing, it brings you great gifts with one hand, and stabs you in the back with the other.” (Carrie Snow.) The CBC Documentary “Are We Digital Dummies” displayed the pros and cons when it comes to modern technology that we use in the western world everyday. From the documentary I learned that although our phones and computers may be very helpful when it comes to work and education, they do force us to be connected …show more content…

When I have a question about homework or lessons I can easily use my computer or phone to get the answers I need. That way I do not need to wait till the next day to get an answer, making the entire process much faster. Also, the amount of information on the internet is endless. There are many sources of reliable information that can be found which only furthers my growth as an independent person, through self-education. Though it can be a great tool, technology in my life isn’t always good. My sleep has been affected by technology because of staying up late on my laptop or phone. I find myself not able to fall asleep without using either of these things most nights, which I am sure is very bad for my health. Also, technology may be hindering my social group, in some situations I would rather just text someone instead of talking face to face. Before, these modern technologies were invented people would have to actually come face to face to engage in

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