Team Communication

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First things first, I would like to welcome you all to this team. I know it can be nerve-wracking to start working on a new project but I would like for everyone to get to know one another so we can help each other transition into working as a team. It is very important for all of us to feel that we belong and that we are all here to accomplish the same task. It would be advantageous for us all to find some time that we can set aside to discuss the purpose of this team, the norms that are expected of us, the roles each of us will fulfill, and to establish short term and long term goals. We are all human and we all have our own unique opinions and feelings so I would like for you to keep the following in mind when responding to each …show more content…

We will be using two different sources to communicate with each other. The first source of communication that will be used is email. Email will be the primary source that is used for most of our communication. There are many advantages to using email as our primary source of communication. The advantages are that emails are delivered quickly and reliably, emails can be sent at any time, and emails can be sent to a single person or multiple people. There are also a few disadvantages such as requiring an active internet connection to send and receive messages, being an impersonal form of communication, and leaving room for misunderstanding. The second source of communication that will be used is teleconferencing. Teleconferencing will be the secondary source that is used for our team’s communication. The advantages to teleconferencing are not having to travel to a specific location, being able to attend a meeting from your office, and allowing for meetings to be held without much planning in advance. The disadvantages that come with teleconferencing are that there may be failure with the teleconferencing equipment, there is a lock of eye contact and body language, and it is hard to dictate who will speak and what will be

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