Tata Motors Swot Analysis Essay

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Background of the company
TATA Motors, founded by India’s first licensed pilot J.R.D Tata (Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc 2014) has been seen to have revolutionized the face of India. With the history of India’s automotive industry in terms of production and growth seeming relatively bleak and slow, TATA Motors, formerly known as TELCO (TATA Engineering and Locomotive Company) and one of “the hundred operating companies” of the TATA Group has seemed to crack this shell since becoming established in 1945 resulting in becoming not only an emergence in India, but around the globe with its status being “listed in the New York Stock Exchange” as an international automobile company as of September 2004 (TATA Motors 2014). Tata Motors holds its main …show more content…

SWOT analysis is effective in the way that it identifies the Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats, all of which can help identify possible threats and drawbacks with enough time so that contingency plans and actions could be taken in advance. Analysis of TATA Motors through SWOT analysis can be seen through Figure 4. It is palpable that the key strength out of the 3 is TATA Motor’s global presence; this allows them to be known to all, not only those in the industry; the use of foreign nations has helped brand prestige massively allowing expansion into remote areas. Nonetheless, the key weakness out of the three is the fact that today’s society, especially in India where TATA Motors holds its HQ, is that it is suiting for more of the economy over the indulgence, the name of TATA adds to this further with the word ‘tat’ being at the start of it. It’s opportunities are evident through the new fuel efficient cars being produced such as the Super Milo (TATA 2014), yet the threats seem to have credible weight too via other companies being established for longer thus being seen to being more reputable and reliable such as Peugeot which was founded in 1882 (Peugeot

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