Superman Is A Bad Role Model

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When one thinks of a role model the first thought that comes to mind is a dependable hero who will give a person an example of ways to better live their own life. A role model is “a figure who gives one hope and inspiration”. Superman, Miley Cyrus, and even family members are many examples of what one would consider to be a role model, but a role model can also be a figure who negatively influences a person’s daily life. One may ask how could a role model effect a person negatively; the answer is when one previously looks up to a negative figure they will believe that their actions are justified, even though their actions may be bad, but they will continue to follow in the figure’s steps due to the figure’s past accomplishments .
When people think of a role model, they immediately think positive thoughts. Role models in most all cases are a positive influence. An example of a good role model is Superman. Superman is a fictional superhero who inspires children and adults alike by his bravery, humbleness, and morality. Because of these attributes, Superman is a good influence on the many people who look up to him as inspiration to do better things in this world. …show more content…

Kayla has had a successful career in high school and in playing golf in college. She has also taken a brave step to betray the ordinary actions taken by the people this world by staying true to herself in her purity, thoughts, friends, and schoolwork. Like Superman, my sister is humble and will help others in need, such as helping newborn babies during her future career as a Neonatal Nurse. And finally, like Superman, my sister will gladly put others before her without one thought to her own well being. Because of my sisters good actions, I aspire to follow in her steps so that one day, I too, can become a great role model as

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