Summary: Stubborness Determination

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Stubborness. Determination. These are the very reasons Nathan decided to stay at the blacksmith shop. Throughout reading the passage Nathan’s stubbornness is not tortuosly hidden. A prime example of his iron rod stubbornness and unbreakable determination comes in paragraph 27, as the author writes,”Uncle Orrin's words stuck to Nathan like a thistle bur. He was no slacker and he'd prove it. He flew to his tasks. He raced each time Uncle Orrin shouted for him to pump the bellows, turn the grindstone, or dip a bucket of water. Nathan found that meeting his uncle's needs cut the insults short. He continued the frantic pace.” See, Nathan refuses to let Uncle Orrin’s offensive words be proven true, so stubbornly Natham works to disprove his uncle.

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