Determination Wins Over Situation

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A simple act of kindness and support can possibly be the savior to someone else’s misery. In the novel, Night, written by Eliezer Wiesel, Elie portrays the daily lifestyle of the Jews during the Holocaust, and shares his personal experiences. He goes through hardships as he travels from the ghettos to the concentration camps with his one and only family member remaining, his father. The S.S. soldiers take the author’s mother and his two sisters away from him as they arrive at the ghetto because they separating women from men. Throughout the novel, Elie experiences personality adaptations and loses his faith in God all due to the loss of humanity in his world. With this in mind, he bases his survival on his determination and not his luck. Eliezer survives the Holocaust as a result to the hope he provides for his father and the support he receives from others throughout his journey. Without a doubt, some decisions can affect not only the person making the decision, but also his most beloved ones. Elie truly understands this as he tells himself, “I had no right to let myself die. What would he do without me? I was his sole support” (87). The purpose of Elie’s survival is to provide hope to his father, and to strengthen his desire to live. Indeed, his thoughts are not about his own survival at this point, but instead, to encourage his father to continue living. When one of them gives up, the other has no intention of continuing his life. As Elie’s father falls asleep, Eliezer tells his father, “’We’ll take turns. I’ll watch over you and you’ll watch over me. We won’t let each other fall asleep. We’ll look after each other”’ (89). When father and son rely on one another, it gives them more motivation to pass by the difficult situati... ... middle of paper ... ...elf worthy of survival as the doctors compare him to other prisoners. Above all, Eliezer knows that he has the durability to live, and he has to put his fate in his own hands. He may not be able to control the situation, but he is able to control his mindset, demonstrating that more than luck is needed to remain alive. In final analysis, Eliezer lives through the most difficult circumstances in his life. His survival is not possible without his father being there to rely on, and without the assistance from some distinct individuals. Throughout the harsh conditions, Elie gains a whole new perspective on life, and understands more about humanity. Certainly, Eliezer Wiesel grows from a teenager at the beginning of the Holocaust to a grown man afterwards. There is something magnificent inside Elie that is greater than any obstacle, and too determined to be defeated.

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