Suicide Is Suicide

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Is Suicide the Only Way Out?
“Each year, 44,000 Americans, die due to suicide”(AFSP). Suicide is the 10th most leading cause of death in the US. To point out, suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death. People commonly view suicide as an alternate way out of misery. Some view it as weakness, but others view it as the only way out. Although there are two sides to every story, should the suicidal be frowned upon?
Should the suicidal be viewed as selfish for committing suicide? In a way the choice of suicide was selfish because the person left behind many loved ones and family. Although they left their loved ones behind, they also got to leave behind their depressive feelings and thoughts: They finally got to experience freedom. …show more content…

Bullying occurs between girls and guys but studies show that girls are more emotional attacked, which in the long run can cause more issues later on in life. Although bullying changes the futures of many girls it also takes a very high toll on guys lives as well. “Patel also found that of the total of suicides at ages 15 and older, about 40% and about 56% of female suicides occurred at ages 15-29 years old”(NCBI). When these studies were shown it ends being a surprising case; more girls attempt suicide but more guys are successful. Furthermore bullying is the ultimate reason for teen suicide “For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it”(Bullying Statistics). Bullying causes many suicide attempts at a young age but once the child figures out how to face the bully they will be a stronger person. If they cannot figure out how to take a stand for themselves many of the children turn to suicide. Therefore, taking a stance on bullying and figuring out why bullying is so common, will eliminate a majority of teen suicide. The action of suicide is definitely not the most effective way out of being bullied but many children are afraid to take a

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