Should People Have The Moral Right To Die

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1. Should people have the moral right to end their lives if they so please?
It is a hard question to answer because I never have feel the need to end my life, I do not know how it is to feel like that. But if a person is old enough, and if they feel like they are living in misery, sadness, frustration, and that their family do not even care of them, it is time to go away, and do not suffer anymore. But it is a hard decision to make, it is selfishness at the same time. It depends in how bad this person wants to keep living, or if they just want to give up and end their life. I do not agree with this idea of people have the moral right to end their lives.
2. Does being near the end of one’s life make the decision to end it justified?
We are not animals that we just go and we decide if we can continue living or no. the decision to end a life is not justified, because it is not our decisions, it is God’s decision and we should respect it. I consider people that committed suicide selfish, and that are not strong enough to confront their reality. I don’t agree with suicide at all.
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What might the phrase “right to die” mean?
Dying with dignity. It is when people have illnesses and they want to reduce pain and suffering. It also refers to the idea that a person with a terminal illness should be allowed to commit suicide before death occurs or should have the right to refuse to have his or her life extended by artificial or heroic means. This may be done by withdrawal of feeding tubes and other artificial means of life support from a terminally ill

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