Student Attachment Case Study

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Mike is a 15 year old high school student who is considering what classes to take in his next year of high school. While choosing his classes there are many things that can impact his decision on which classes to take. Whether he knows it or not, these things take a role in what he may choose to be. Mike’s secure attachment as an infant might play a role. Children who experienced secure attachment -the attachment in which an infant is comfortable, becomes distressed when the parent leaves, and happily goes to them for a hug when the parent returns- might go to their parents and consider taking the classes that their parents want them to take in order to please them. Physical maturation can also make a difference. If Mike is a highly developed teen and his physical development is rapidly increasing at such a young age, he might want to take a weightlifting class at school. This is because if someone was developed to a point that they were considered scrawny in society’s eyes, then it wouldn’t help their confidence at all, especially if they were to take that class with students that are brawny. Mike’s emergence of formal operational thought would make a difference, as well. This emerges …show more content…

Being a 15 year old, it may be hard for Mike to identify himself, his likes, and what he wants to do in like. With that, Mike might choose to take a variety of different classes in order to find where he “belongs” in society. For example, Mike might take a drama class because he saw a play once and thought it was cool. Or he may take a basketball just to see if he’s good at it. Mike’s androgynous sex role would make a difference, as well. Although classes like cosmetology and family dynamics, the class where one would take a doll baby home and care for it, are seen as classes that females would take, the world’s perception and biases of those classes wouldn’t hinder Mike from taking those classes as a

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