Physical Development In Adolescence

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Adolescent students at the middle school level experience a tremendous amount of growth and development during this time in their lives. These adolescents are intellectually and physically developing at different times throughout this stage of development, experiencing a more rapid and complex rate of development than at any other time in their lives. Their social, emotional, and educational experiences affect their development and as well as influence their future decisions. These social experiences can also affect a young person’s moral development and educational experience as they begin to look to their peers for influence instead of their parents. During physical development adolescents experience a variety of changes and side effects as a result of the rapid rate of change. Physical development can occur at different times for each young person and it can be rapid and irregular. These changes in development can often cause adolescents to have awkward or uncoordinated body movements. Puberty begins to …show more content…

They are at a crossroads of independence and needing assistance, and many of them are unsure which way they want to go. It is during adolescence that most young people develop a strong interest in sports or other extracurricular activities such as band or chorus. Students that participate in these clubs are fulfilling social, physical, and intellectual needs. It is also difficult for middle school students to understand that they are not the only ones going through changes and turbulence during this time, they see their personal problems as unique and unprecedented. Adolescents are concerned with being accepted by their peers, which can result in students getting extremely upset when they are rejected. Peer pressure and bullying become important factors when addressing social-emotional development in adolescents, both parties need support and

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