Story Of Martin Guerre Sparknotes

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Is Martin Guerre a story of self-fashioning, and so an exemplary Renaissance tale?

The renaissance established a transformation on both an international scale and an individual scale. The celebration of intellect and revival of ancient Greek philosophy impacted European society and societal attitudes. With the lessening of papal power, government became increasingly more important in dictating temporal matters and the entire social structure of Europe was altered. While social hierarchy had always been a significant aspect of society, the humanist revolution and the promotion of individualism signified a change in attitudes regarding power and class. The story of Martin Guerre epitomises the effect of the renaissance on Europe and conveys …show more content…

By the sixteenth century humanism had spread from Italy to France and throughout the rest of Europe. In the area of Toulouse where Martin Guerre was from, humanism was initiated by the powerful family of the Dufaurs. The humanist concepts of the glory of man and, self-fashioning are present in the story of Martin Guerre. The story magnifies the effect of humanism and it’s affect on small towns. Martin Guerre’s return to his hometown after eight years of absence initiates controversy within the town, which leads to a court case. Martin Guerre’s wife and family immediately accepted that the man was indeed Martin Guerre and accepted him into the town life. Eventually conflict arose and Martin Guerre’s uncle contested that this is the real Martin Guerre. With the revelation of the court case with the discovery that the man was Arnaud Du Tilh when the real Martin Guerre returns there is the question of his wife’s faithfulness. Arnaud Du Tilh perpetuates the humanist ideals of self-fashioning through re-establishing his identity and consequently moving between hierarchical ranks. Arnaud Du Tilh’s reputation in his previous town was based on his drinking and gambling and he re-establishes his identity and reconstructs Martin Guerre’s tarnished reputation, which was already tainted before he had left the town. Arnaud Du Tilh as Martin Guerre becomes virtuous …show more content…

The humanist movement was hugely responsible for individual’s morals and belief system all across Europe. The operations of town life and community in France during the sixteenth century, was affected by the renaissance and reformation, and the transformation of European ideals as a result. The spread of the humanist ideology spread throughout Europe and affected temporal and religious attitudes. The story of Martin Guerre epitomises this affect of self-fashioning on a individual scale and Natalie Zemon Davis analyses this affect through the examination and interpretation of values and morals. Finlay’s criticism of Davis’s lack of concrete evidence is justified however Davis uses a contextual investigation to provide warranted interpretations in her reconstruction of the story of Martin Guerre. The story of Martin Guerre characterises the renaissance period through the portrayal of self-fashioning within Arnaud Du

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