Stereotypes For Introverts

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Believe the stereotypes, constrain your brain from seeking hidden potentials. Society is composed of different people with different ideas, lifestyles, and personalities. With difference comes judgement. Such judgements are now known as stereotypes and misconceptions. Stereotypes are exaggerated descriptions of a particular group based on some truths while misconceptions are fallacies, or unfounded statements. Both stereotypes and misconceptions are utilized to simplify the social world. It categorizes society into groups making it easier to organize the different types of people in this world. Introverts are often perceived as antisocial individuals with weak social skills, however this is their nature which holds critical advantages for this …show more content…

One third of the population is an introvert yet many don’t know what an introvert is. Introverts energize themselves with alone time and prefer to stay home on a Friday night instead of hanging out. It is easier for them to listen and observe rather than speak. This is why hearing them speak is not common when placed in a group of extroverts. However being an introvert does not mean being shy. Shyness comes from insecurities. Introverts are not always insecure, being quiet is just their nature. As Cain explains “Being an introvert is about having a deep inner life, and considering the inner life to be important”(Cain 4). Introverts do have a life although stereotypes say the opposite. Nonetheless this life is hidden and rarely exposed. Introverts usually go unrecognized because it takes time to bring introverts out of their …show more content…

According to The Introvert Advantage, by Marti Olsen Laney, introverts have a much longer neural pathway when it comes to processing stimuli. Because it takes longer to process, introverts do not require as much stimulus. While introverts process the information, their mind is connecting these new thoughts with prior experiences. Their thinking is paired with feelings. It has also been discovered that introverts tend to be focused despite their surroundings. One can be at a park, where the kids are playing, birds are chirping, dogs are barking, and parents are discipling their children and yet a conversation can be kept without letting those distractions interfere. Introverts have a well centered way of thinking. Their thoughts are laid on a strong basis and altering these thoughts is a difficult challenge. However this doesn’t mean they aren’t open to new ideas. Only suggestions or concepts that seem worthwhile to invest the time and thinking into are picked

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