Status Generalization

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The results are similar when studying social class, gender, and race/ethnicity because they shape others expectation across the social context. Because those characteristics are what people see when they first see an individual or a group of individuals. This can cause some people to stereotype others because of the consist beliefs about members of a group that make them distinct from others in people minds. Status generalization is the process through which diffuse status characteristics are associated with task-relevant abilities and thus influence performance expectations and subsequent behaviors within group settings. Status characteristics theorist argue that these diffuse status characteristics will exert an influence on perception and …show more content…

Individuals who have the antisocial personality disorder are often known as sociopaths or psychopaths. Sociopaths has a sense of morality, but it differs from others in their community. Psychopaths lack any sense of morality and do not have normal emotional responses. The patterns associated with antisocial personality disorder is often seen in childhood or early adolescence. The child has repeated run-ins with the law or school authorities. Behaviors that draw the attention of authorities can include cruelty to animals, attacking or harming adults or other children, theft, setting fires, and destroying property. The failure to conform to social norms and rules often becomes the persons predominant life theme, which continues throughout adulthood. Deceiving and manipulating others for their own personal gain is another hallmark of individuals with antisocial personality disorder. Individuals with this disorder have the ability to look you directly in the eye and speak with complete confidence and sincerity, they will lie in order to get what they want. When confronted with their actions they respond with indifference or offer some superficial rationalization to justify their behavior. There are often contemptuous about the feelings or rights of others, blaming the victim for his or her stupidity. This quality makes antisocial personality disorders especially difficult to treat because clients often manipulate and lie to their therepaists too. Individuals with antisocial personality disorder find it hard to hold down jobs or meet financial obligations because they are consistently irresponsible. But, by middle to late adulthood the antisocial tendencies of such individual tend to

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